Our Team
Descoding Descartes is an
NWO-funded research project
hosted at Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil),
Erasmus University Rotterdam

Dr. Erik-Jan Bos
PhD in 2002
Erik-Jan Bos graduated in 2002 on The Correspondence between Descartes and Henricus Regius. For Decoding Descartes, he is currently preparing a new critical edition of Descartes’ correspondence.

Prof. Dr. Han van Ruler
PhD in 1995
Han van Ruler graduated in 1995 (cum laude) on his prize winning book The Crisis of Causality.
For Decoding Descartes, he is preparing a comprehensive and innovative interpretation of Descartes' philosophy that is quite unlike the standard view.

Doğukan Öztürkoğlu
MA in 2018
Doğukan Öztürkoğlu graduated as MA at the University of Groningen in 2018 on a thesis related to Descartes' theory of morals. For Decoding Descartes, he is working on a dissertation on Descartes' epistemological turn.

Paolo Rossini
PhD in 2019
Paolo Rossini graduated PhD (cum laude) in 2019 on a dissertation on Giordano Bruno. Enjoying a Marie Curie Fellowship at ESPhil, he analyzes the networks within the Republic of Letters for the early diffusion of Cartesianism.

Sara Madera Gómez
MA in 2019
Sara Madera Gómez graduated as MA at the University of Edinburgh in 2019. She is preparing a thesis on the concept of non-human animal nature in early modern philosophy, from Descartes and Spinoza to Leibniz.

Laura H
In the spring of 2022, a new job opportunity within Decoding Descartes will be announced in the form of a position for an ESPhil student assistant in support of the preparation of the new edition of Descartes' Correspondence. Check the newsupdates on our website for upcoming details.