Within the framework of the NWO-research project Decoding Descartes, Erasmus School of Philosophy (ESPhil) is organizing an international conference on 7 and 8 June 2022 under the title New Readings of Descartes. During the conference, members of the Decoding Descartes project team will present their reinterpretations and reappraisals of René Descartes (1596–1650), arguably one of the least understood philosophers in the Western tradition (see Decoding Descartes; Han van Ruler, Food for Thought). Various international speakers will contribute their own ‘new readings’ of Descartes’s mathematics, logic and argumentation, as well as present and discuss the newly found manuscripts of Descartes’s Regulae and L’homme. Finally, new interpretations will be presented of the dissemination of Descartes’s philosophy through epistolary exchanges, and a new and an unsuspected audience for Descartes’ work will be revealed: late seventeenth-century astrologers.
The conference will be held in the Polak Building at the Campus Woudestein of Erasmus University Rotterdam on 7 and 8 June 2022. Attending the conference is free but registration in advance is appreciated. You can register by writing to Erik-Jan Bos (bos__at__esphil.eur.nl).
For the programme, scroll down, or download it here. You can also download the conference poster.

Programme New Readings of Descartes
A Decoding Descartes Conference
Tuesday 7 June Morning Session
Chair: Wiep van Bunge Room: Polak 1-10
09h30 Opening by Wiep van Bunge (EUR)
09h45 Han van Ruler (EUR) — Descartes’ Search for Science and the Transformation of Philosophy
10h45 Coffee/tea
11h15 Doğukan Öztürkoğlu (EUR) — Descartes’ Transcendental Philosophy and the Making of Modernity
12h00 Sébastien Maronne (Université Toulouse III – Paul Sabatier) — Descartes’ Four Geometries
Afternoon Session
Chair: Han van Ruler Room: Polak 1-10
14h00 Roger Ariew (University of South Florida, Tampa) — Lost in Translation: Descartes’ Logic
15h00 Élodie Cassan (UMR 5317, CNRS, ENS de Lyon) — Forming the Habit of Thinking Well: Descartes’ Reshaping of the Act of Reasoning
15h45 Coffee/tea
16h00 Rodolfo Garau (ERC Early Modern Cosmology (GA725883), Ca’ Foscari University, Venice) —
Moving away from the Margins: Cartesian Cosmology and Late Seventeenth Century Astrologers — and Especially in Peter Megerlin’s Astrologia Cartesiana (ASHB1530)
Wednesday 8 June
Chair: Doğukan Öztürkoğlu Room: Polak 2-04
09h30 Richard Serjeantson (Trinity College, Cambridge) — TBA
10h15 Erik-Jan Bos (EUR) — An Unknown Latin Manuscript Translation of L’Homme
11h00 Coffee/tea
11h30 Paolo Rossini (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, EUR) — Epistolary Discussions: The Role of Correspondence in the Dissemination of Descartes’ Philosophy
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